Day 11 Pastor Notes: Pray for Unity and peace
When we are one with Christ, we can allow peace to abide. The spirit of God gives peace and unity, and we are to cultivate it.
When we are one with Christ, we can allow peace to abide. The spirit of God gives peace and unity, and we are to cultivate it.
Put your trust in the one that is in all, knows all, and will never change. He is the author and finisher of our faith.
We must examine the motives as well as the root of what we feel. Are you led by the Spirit of God or your emotions?
God is still performing miracles. There may have been times in your life when you were in some impossible situations, “BUT GOD” made a way out of no way.
Sometimes we can get so caught up in tradition that we miss opportunities for God to be glorified. We can sometimes be our own enemy.
We do not get a pass to sin freely. We may make mistakes sometimes. Therefore, repent and change your behavior.
Our desire to be anointed cannot stem from selfish motives and taking glory for ourselves, but from a pure heart to give of yourself to the Lord and others.
Keep trusting God with confidence and he will bless every time in all that He wills for your life. It’s already done! Shout Hallelujah!
Compassion allows us to feel empathy and pity which fosters forgiveness, being able to set aside feelings of anger and disappointment.
Jesus knew what He was facing, the cross experience that would lead to His death. He knew why He was born and He kept that purpose in mind