Day 9 Pastor Notes: Pray for Stewardship Over Our Emotions

Day 9 Pastor Notes: Pray for Stewardship Over Our Emotions
Sometimes based on our insecurities, we live our lives through our emotions. Fear can be a factor known as false evidence appearing real. We may even allow the evaluation from others to tag us with a false identity. We are not here to live up to the expectations of others, but to God. God has justified and redeemed us and we are created for His purpose. Living through our emotions will take us on a constant roller coaster ride and will cause unnecessary stress and hurt in our lives and the lives of others. It is so important for us as Christians to be good stewards of our emotions. We must bring every thought into captivity. We must examine our opinions through prayer, communication, and reasoning. Just because your perceptions are your reality does not mean it is the truth. It is only your truth. If your truth does not set you free, then it’s time to pray to our Father. Our feelings are real to us however, we must examine the motives as well as the root of what we feel. Are you led by the Spirit of God or your emotions?
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