Day 5 Pastor Notes: Many are Called But Few are Chosen

March 22, 2024

Day 5 Pastor Notes: Many are Called But Few are Chosen

We all have gifts but not all are anointed. Jesus was anointed till even His shadow healed. Crowds were drawn to him because of the anointing. Jesus spent time with the Father in prayer, being obedient to all that the Father asked of Him. He knew why He was here and what His purpose was. Many of us desire to be effective in ministry not understanding what it takes. It is ok and it should be a goal to be effective and anointed in ministry, but there is a price that must be paid. That price can be accounted for through decision, dying, and discipline. We must make the decision to live for Christ, discipline ourselves to obedience, and die to the flesh and pleasures of the world daily. Our desire to be anointed cannot stem from selfish motives and taking glory for ourselves, but from a pure heart to give of yourself to the Lord and others. God made each of us uniquely and we must not covet the gifts of others. You never know what they have been through nor what sacrifices they make daily to live in the presence of God. Does your character afford you to be one of the many who are called or the few who are chosen? Do you have the anointing and character that captivates and draws a crowd like Jesus did? My desire is that I will be a vessel of honor for God’s power to manifest in all of the earth.

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